Did you know that streetlights may have stray currents? Stray currents may result from a faulty installation or wear and tear on the insulation of a streetlight’s components and wiring. As a result of these problems, electricity may leak from the wires and choose the fastest route to the ground via a streetlight’s metal pole. This situation poses a life threat to passers-by who may lean on the streetlight pole.
Sadly, reports of people and pets getting electrocuted due to stray currents from streetlights have been in the news for decades.
Therefore, in 2006, Bridgeport Magnetics Group, Inc. embarked on the journey to protect New Yorkers by designing and distributing Streetlight Isolation transformers. By 2012, there were already thousands of Streetlight Isolation transformers installed across New York.
The Threat of Stray Currents in Streetlights
While we don’t normally think of streetlights as potential threats to our health, the statistics may be disheartening. In 2011, Seattle City Light reported 56 poles in Seattle giving off stray currents. The investigation was launched after a dog was electrocuted next to a streetlight.
Stray currents may occur due to irregular maintenance practices, unbalanced 120-volt loads, or unsatisfactory grounding conditions. Whatever the cause, stray currents pose a significant threat to public safety. It’s unacceptable for streetlights to have enough stray voltage to electrify a portion of a sidewalk with 90 volts.
Streetlight Isolation Transformers
As you may well know, isolation transformers are devices that ensure that the earth isn’t part of an electricity loop. In traditional electrical systems, there are two conductors: neutral and hot. Electricity runs from a generator to a streetlight through a hot conductor and returns to the generator via the neutral one.
Once installed, an isolation transformer helps make sure that the earth is never a part of an electrical system. Essentially, when it comes to streetlights, an isolation transformer can catch stray currents and minimize the risk to public safety.
Our Streetlight Isolation transformers come in three standard power ratings:
- 1200 VA
- 2200 VA
- 8000 VA
Custom designs are available for other power ratings.
Our Streetlight Isolation transformers operate at standard input and output voltages of 120V/120V, although alternate voltages are also an option for both 60Hz and 50Hz frequencies. Each transformer includes an internal auto-resettable thermal switch to prevent overload.
Encased in black epoxy within a red resin container featuring a carrying handle, our transformers are completely waterproof for durability.
Other Applications of Isolation Transformers
With extensive expertise in isolation transformers, we’re also catering to the medical sector and equipment manufacturers. We offer “ISO-PUCK” transformers that are medical-grade isolation transformers. In 2006, Huntsville Hospital in Alabama placed an order for 90 units. This demonstrates the expanding applications and demand for isolation transformers beyond the realm of streetlights.
If you are interested in purchasing our Isolation Transformers, call Bridgeport Magnetics Group, Inc., or reach out to us online. Let’s take care of public safety across the United States together.